Polystyrene box for marble samples
We have known the marble industry for over 40 years. Daily we collaborate with our costumers to find the customized polystyrene packaging that can better protect the marble samples during transport.
We have known the marble industry for over 40 years. Daily we collaborate with our costumers to find the customized polystyrene packaging that can better protect the marble samples during transport.
Poliplast s.r.l.Via dell’Industria Ovest, 17 - 37010 Rivoli Veronese (VR)
Tel. +39 045 6269399e-mail: poliplast@poliplast.it
P.IVA 02695370235 - R.E.A. n. 255692 - Cap. soc. euro 100.000,00 i.v.
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